Saturday, December 24, 2011

My 3rd Annual Holiday Letter

Season’s Greetings!
December 2011

Welcome to my third annual Holiday Letter. The traditional 3rd year anniversary gift is leather. Maybe now I can finally get that white leather jacket I’ve been eyeing on David Bowie.

Towards the end of the school year, I was the Production Director for the Anderson Fashion Show, the largest student-run event at Anderson. I also preformed standup comedy at the year-end student assembly. In June, I finally graduated from UCLA. It’s been an amazing achievement, and I am hoping to only have to sell one kidney to pay off the loans. I also still can’t spell entrepreneurship without the use of spell check. It was a busy year for graduations in our family. In addition to earning my MBA, Craig’s sister Cecilia wrapped up her film program in December, close to the time my sister, Stefanie, finished her master’s thesis. I am so proud of both of them that I could squeal. But I won’t.

In May, Craig’s brother Barry married Cyndi. To follow the wedding themes, in September, Craig and I officially became Mr. Johnson and Ms. Chernow, but in the legal sense. I chose not to change my name due to my professional credits and Craig’s total lack of interest in both of us taking on SparkleMagic as a last name. The wedding was wonderful. Craig and I had an intimate wedding at the same park my parents had their wedding reception. Afterward, we rented out a water park. We made a ‘splash’ as our entrance as husband and wife involved us coming down the main waterslide in all of our wedding apparel. By midnight that evening we were on a flight to our honeymoon at Disneyworld. We greatly appreciate everyone’s help and support, especially when my best friend Erica had to run out to get Craig a burger at a drive through since the carter mistakenly put bell peppers in everything, something he is terribly allergic to.

I have actually taken up hobbies. It started as casual sunset paintings, and before I knew it, I was involved in Nanowrimo- a national contest in November to write 50k works in the month of November. If you have never heard of it, I recommend you check it out at So yes, I wrote a novel in November.

I have recently taken the position of Destination Marketing Manager for Caribbean and Costa Rica for Pleasant Holidays. If you want to feel jealous now, please do. It’s been a lot of work, and a huge learning curve for me, since I have not worked in travel. However, the industry is fascinating, and occasionally, I even travel to tropical destinations.

Craig and I wrapped up our year by joining the local roller derby team near us. I am working on becoming a player, and he will be a referee. I’m still figuring out how gravity works on skates, but hope to have wonderfully exciting news of games and an ability to stay upright in next year’s letter.

The furry critters remain good. Buttercup still thinks a toy is only as good as how loud you can get it to squeak. Currie has decided that plastic is a good snack. Newton and Kelvin have wimpy cat-offs. And Tesla thinks they are all ridiculous.

Hope the year has found you well and doing awesome things.
Until next year, this is Brandie, wishing you goodnight and good luck.

Warm wishes,
Brandie, Craig,
Princess Buttercup, Tesla, Curie, Newton & Kelvin

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